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Come visit our 14 Target Field Archery Course situated on 50 acres in the beautiful Alberta foothills. It complies with IFAA Field Archery standards and rules!


State of the Art Technology


We’ve used Spyder Web targets that are state of the art in archery technology, making arrow pulling very easy, which is handy when you are shooting and retrieving lots of arrows.


How it Works


Basically, you shoot 4 arrows at set marked distances for each target scoring 5, 4, 3, or miss for each arrow. The arrow has to cut completely through the line to the higher scoring zone. A full round will consist of shooting the course twice around giving you a maximum of 560 or once around, to a maximum of 280.


Field Archery is very challenging. Your form needs to be correct and your bow and arrows need to be finely tuned to achieve high scores. It is an excellent way for you to see if your bow and you are shooting well, and a fantastic form of practice.


Who is Welcome?


Shooters of all ages and skill level are able to enjoy this type of archery with Adult, Junior and Cub pegs set to shoot from.

Challenge yourself and improve your skills while enjoying a beautiful woodland setting.


For more information, contact Dragon Flight Archery






To Order – Please contact us about your product of interest


Cheques will be accepted at the Dragonflight Pro-Shop with proof of identity.


Cash is great! As always.


© 2020 by Dragon Flight Archery.

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